Cancelled classes at your fingertips.

Frequently Asked Questions

I need help!

We're sorry you're having issues with abSENT. Please feel free to reach out to us and ask us for help. You can reach us by email at [email protected]. You can also find us on Instagram at We're here to help.

What is it?

abSENT is a notification service written in Python, that sends you a notification whenever your teachers are abSENT. abSENT is a hobby project of Roshan Karim (NNHS '24), Leah Vashevko (NSHS '24), and Kevin Yang (NSHS '24), who got tired of refreshing a website constantly in the morning. Because of this inter-school colloboration, abSENT works for both North and South.

How does it work?

You download our mobile app and enter in class information. abSENT is completely free. Once we recieve all the information we need, we download the absence list every morning and let you know if your teachers are on it. For you, it's that simple!

Why do I need this?

After going to Newton High Schools and experiencing the absence list for two years, something had to be done. It's an annoying way of learning about absent teachers, it's often posted very late, and it's never posted at a consistent time. In the morning, when other things need to get done, this isn't acceptable. Thus, abSENT.

How can I help?

While the codebase is mostly in a maintenance state right now and help isn't needed with it, there are others ways to help. React out to us if you notice a bug or regression. And of course, if you can, donate to help us out with the server costs.

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